domenica 14 ottobre 2012

Adb permissions issues with Ubuntu and Android ICS

If you encounter permissions problems when using the adb utility in Ubuntu with Android 4  ICS (Ice Scream Sandwich), try to follow this guide:
  1. Find your Android device vendor id by using "lsusb".
  2. echo your_vendor_id > ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
  3. adb kill-server
  4. adb start-server
  5. Create or update the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file by adding :
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="your_vendor_id", MODE="0666"
  6. sudo restart udev
  7. Disconnect and reconnect your Android device
  8. adb devices
Now everything should be ok!
Happy debugging!

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